Friday, 8 April 2016

Discover the research areas of CATCH on their new website

The Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH) has launched a new website. It contains full information about the research expertise within the centre, the areas that we apply our research into, details about our 71 academics, our projects and latest news about the centre.

As an example, our website contains lots of information about our four research themes. Below is a sneak preview of each of the themes, click on the icon to see more information about the theme on our new website.

Assistive Robotics & Social Robotics
We are developing companion robots for older people; assistive robots for disabled and older people and smart furniture. We
are also conducting research into telepresence robots
for future applications.

Intelligent Personalised Support
We are working on sensors and signal processing, data communication, modelling and inference to support people to
make decisions about self- managing their health.
Human Communication Technology
We are creating systems that assist people with disordered speech to communicate with other people, technologies that assist people to interact with machines more easily and analysis tools that can extract information from the speech and audio signal.

Complex Behavioural Interventions
We are developing interventions and applications to improve mental health and well-being, promote healthy living and enable the self management of long term conditions.
More information on these themes, the projects we are working on and our researchers can be found on our newly launched CATCH website. Crosslinks encourage visitors to browse and discover new projects and researchers.

We aim to provide regular stories about CATCH on our website.
Please follow us on Twitter: @CATCH_UoS  
and/or join our LinkedIN group: CATCH Sheffield.

The Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare (CATCH) is a translational research centre at the University of Sheffield.

We bring together and coordinate the activities of over 70 academics, across 17 departments and five faculties to research, develop, evaluate and implement new technologies in order to enable people to live well and age well.
View the following links for further details:

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