Wednesday, 14 June 2017

650 participants from all over the world are in Belfast to discuss Employment for All.

The “Employment for All – A Global Perspective” First World Conference on Supported Employment takes place from the 14th to 16th June in the La Mon Hotel & Country Club. 650 participants from 5 continents will come together to discuss how to unlock employment for persons with disabilities.

The conference is hosted by EUSE (European Union of Supported Employment) and EASPD (European Association of Service Providers of Persons with Disabilities), by the and organised by the Northern Ireland Union of Supported Employment (NIUSE). In the Conference, delegates will share promising practices and work towards the full inclusion of persons in disabilities in the open labour market. The debate will be focused on the implementation of article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (equal access to work and employment),covering a variety of themes, such as legal frameworks around the world, and practical tools and ways to better reach and engage with employers.

Two major events will mark the conference: the launch of the World Association of Supported Employment on Wednesday 14th June, and the “Employment for All Awards” Final Ceremony on Thursday 15th June. The successful winners from over 60 applications from across Europe will be announced (a business/employer and a social service provider)

The 650 delegates in the conference will include a broad variety of policymakers, practitioners, academics and representatives of Disabled Persons Organisations. Speakers will include:

  • Ms Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility
  • Ms Judith E. Heumann, former Special Advisor on International Disability Rights for the U.S. State department and International Disability Rights Consultant
  • Professor Lu Zhian, Executive Vice Director of The Fudan National Base for Human Rights’ Education and Training, China
  • Ms Laura Green, Founder of Serendipity and Disability Champion
  • Ms Mathilde Tabary, Head of Diversity and Inclusion for Carrefour Group and Former Chair of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Global Business and Disability Network
  • Mr Brian Collins, Responsible for the Microsoft Workplace Change Management and Employee Engagement Program
  • Mr Fons Leroy, President of the European Network of Public Employment Services
  • Mr Jeroen Jutte, Head of Unit, Employment and Social Aspects of European Semester in Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

And many more.

Ms. Margaret Haddock, President of EUSE believes that “by bringing participants from all over the world together, we hope to accelerate the implementation of article 27 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and provide persons with disability with a level playing field in terms of access to the labour market.”

Mr James Crowe, President of EASPD remarks that “Equal access to the labour market is essential if we are to create a socially inclusive society. By bringing together actors from all over the world to work on this topic, we will make considerable progress.”

The conference’s final conclusions will include a commitment to implement the findings of the event and to further promote a fully inclusive labour market.

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