Friday, 24 March 2017

Read the Perfect Patient Pathway Test Bed Newsletter - Issue One

The first issue of the South Yorkshire Region Perfect Patient Pathway (PPP) Test Bed newsletter has been published.

The evaluation, led by CATCH research Dr Steve Ariss is one of seven national ‘Test Bed’ sites in a drive to modernise how the NHS delivers care through creating new collaborations between the NHS and industry.

In this issue of the newsletter:

  • Sir Malcolm Grant CBE visits Innovation Centre - the NHS England Chair was interested to see the rapid progress being made by the Sheffield Perfect Patient Pathway programme.
  • Testing the new Health Emergency App - just one of the technologies being evaluated by the PPP.
  • Diabetes patients benefiting from device that could help thousands - discover the device helping patients better manage insulin injections.
  • Innovative Intelligence Centre will help support patient care - the centre will aggregate data from all health and social care partners to create one dataset.

The programme aims to create the ‘Perfect Patient Pathway’ to bring substantial benefits for patients living with long term health conditions, such as diabetes, mental health problems, respiratory disease, hypertension and other chronic conditions.

To find out more about the Perfect Patient Pathway Test Bed, visit the project page or contact Laura Murray.

The full newsletter can be downloaded and read here.

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