Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Workshop on Barriers to Assistive Technology Use

Researchers from the Universities of Sheffield and Southampton held a workshop on Barriers to Assistive Technology Use on 25th April 2016. The workshop brought together representatives from health and social care, education and industry to discuss the provision of Assistive Technology (AT) across different sectors (and disciplines). These sectors do not normally work closely with each other, although they might refer individuals to other AT services depending on the individual’s needs. Attendees completed case studies showing how their particular AT service could help people with certain conditions and circumstances to live a full life. We later debated current barriers to AT provision and use, and how these might be overcome. The workshop took place in Sheffield and was based mainly on AT provision in the local area. The main findings were:  that the definition of AT may not need to be refined for people operating provision / support services; that professionals working in different AT sectors and with different age groups may not know what is available for other sectors / age groups, confirming that individuals transitioning between services could face disruption; and, a reiteration of the importance of AT-related training and frameworks.
Written by Claire Bentley and Dr Peter Cudd

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