This week RAT group member Dr Sarah Creer presented key
findings from the “Communication Matters - Research Matters: an Augmentativeand Alternative Communication (AAC) Evidence Base” research project at the
annual Communication Matters conference. The conference, held at the University
of Leeds, is the UK’s leading AAC event and attracts researchers,
practitioners, suppliers, developers and people who use AAC.
Sarah’s talk presented some of the key findings of the
project, which is now complete, focusing on describing current service
provision for AAC. Some of the key findings can be found below:
The data collected identified a number of
components that were required for effective service provision of aided AAC and
the ongoing use of aided AAC. The study has provided validated definitions of
each component to allow for a common language in describing service provision shared
amongst the community.
There is no consistency in the elements/components of
service provision of either local or specialist services in the UK.
Funding arrangements for services and equipment was the
issue of concern most commonly raised by professionals, AAC users and
communication partners. Lack of consistent arrangements for maintenance and
replacement of AAC devices and a lack of clarity and consistency was the
experience of most.
Continuing support for developing communication skills
through use of AAC varied by services and the age of the person. The lack of on-going support
particularly for adults was raised by professionals, AAC users and
communication partners.
Whilst most AAC users and partners expressed
that they received sufficient support, timing and training in choosing a
communication aid this was not the experience of all with some expressing
significant dissatisfaction.
The full report for the project "Shining a Light on Augmentative and Alternative Communication" can be read via the research project website and the more
detailed report for the work completed by RAT group members at the University
of Sheffield and Barnsley Hospital can be found on the project website titled: "Beyond the anecdote: examining the need for and provision of AAC in the UK".
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