Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Healthy Ageing Workshop and Exhibition held today

RAT group members Professors Gail Mountain and Arlene Astell are talking today at a Knowledge Transfer workshop "Healthy Ageing and Older People" at the Council House in Birmingham. The event is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and brings together projects  from both the New Dynamics of Ageing Programme (NDA) and Life Long Health and Wellbeing Programme (LLHW). The workshop is aimed at practitioners, health and social care professionals, policy makers, older people and anyone who has an interest in improving outcomes for people in later life. The main aims of the event are to disseminate new research findings and translate these findings into accessible messages, engage with a wide range of people on these topics and identify gaps in knowledge for any future research.

Gail will be talking about the Lifestyle Matters project, a randomised controlled trial to determine the benefit of an occupational therapy based programme for people aged 65 years and older. Arlene will be talking about the Novel Assessment of Nutrition in Ageing (NANA) project, which uses sensitively-designed technology to improve data collection and integrate information on nutrition, physical function, cognitive function and mental health which is used to help identify people who are at risk of under-nourishment to allow improved targeting of interventions.

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