Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Mental Health and Ageing Research: White Rose INitiative (MARWIN) hosted in Sheffield

Wednesday 10th April 2013 saw Sheffield host the 4th conference in the collaboration between the Universities of Sheffield, York and Leeds. Mental Health and Ageing Research: White Rose INitiative (MARWIN) launched in October 2011 and is represented by six PhD students and their supervisors across the three Universities.

The network was extremely fortunate to secure Dr Alan Marshall from the Cathy Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR) to present on the day. Alan's presentation focused on the fRaill project: frailty, resilience and inequality in later life. This interdisciplinary approach aims to increase understanding of the connections between genetic, metabolic, biological, psychological and social factors.

We were equally fortunate to hear from our very own Professor Arlene Astell. Arlene joined the department in February from the University of St Andrews and her focus is on applying psychology to support people to live and age well. This includes the development and evaluation of novel interventions, including the creative application of technology, to early detection of change, maximising spared abilities and minimising impaired ones, and training caregivers about the impact of cognitive impairment on communication and relationships.
The conference was a great success and many students and staff joined in the question and answer sessions after each presentation. The next MARWIN conference is to be held in Autumn and will be hosted by the University of York.

[written by Sarah Kate Smith]

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