Friday 4 July 2014

Ageing populations and age related health inequalities: briefing paper published

A new briefing paper has been published on the CLAHRC-SY website. The paper discusses the global issue of an ageing population, the demographic change both within and across regions and how the demographics of our population are set to change by 2050. The paper presents information about ageing populations and inequalities in and across the Yorkshire and Humber region and the various conurbations of South Yorkshire.

More specifically, the paper explores 4 key areas:

1. Ageing populations and inequalities: socioeconomic influences on health and wellbeing, disability and life expectancy

2. Unequal ageing, age related health inequalities and issues affecting older populations: the accumulation or unequal risks and opportunities; age discrimination, long term conditions and multiple comorbidity, polypharmacy, frailty, dementia, functional limitations, sensory impairments, social isolation and information and communication technologies.

3. Tackling unequal ageing and improving the health and wellbeing of older populations: targeting, participation and involvement; examples of work of the CLAHRC SY Health Inequalities theme around improving the health, care and quality of life of older people

4. Implications for policy and practice.

To access the briefing paper please visit the CLAHRC-SY website.

Written by Dr Sheila Kennedy

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