Thursday 21 January 2016

HS&DR - 08/1819/214: The Impact of Enhancing the Effectiveness of Interdisciplinary Working

Why are we asking for your actionable tools?
A project is being carried out at Sheffield Hallam University in conjunction with colleagues from CLAHRC YH, and is funded by NHS England to develop an online repository for actionable tools for active dissemination and implementation of research findings into practice. They are currently working with knowledge mobilisation experts linked to CLAHRC YH, NHS England,  practitioners and those responsible for professional development to derive a working definition of 'actionable tools', and are seeking out research outputs which could potentially be actionable tools. They will consult a governance team with end-user representation, to determine which candidate tools fulfil the criteria to be considered 'actionable' and hence can be included on the online repository.
The RAT Group have put forward some NIHR funded research outputs to be included.:

This paper is firmly directed at application of the principles:
The ten principles of good interdisciplinary team practice.

The following is a resource that has been designed and used as an actionable tool:
InterdisciplinaryManagement Tool - Workbook (this is appendix #2 on the project page).

We have published an evaluation of the implementation of the tool:

This project:
Secondary analysis and literature review of community rehabilitation and intermediate care: an information resource
Has a full report in the NIHR journals library.

Here are the chapters:
Each of these could provide evidence to inform actions for commissioners and service providers.

Notably, the NHS Benchmarking Network, National Audit of Intermediate Care (NAIC) (currently in its 5th year) has been using some of the recommendations from Objective 4 (especially the Therapy Outcome Measures), and automated data collection methods, which were pioneered as a result of continuation of this work.

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