Monday 3 November 2014

'Future Fit: Health technologies for better lives' event

How can technologies be used to help people to live well for longer? How can we help people with long-term health conditions to live well?

Weds 5 November 2014, 1.00pm - 3.30pm, Pemberton Rooms, School of Health and Related Research

This event features talks and an interactive exhibition of some of the new technologies for health in this exciting area, including:
  • how robots can improve hand movement
  • how you can communicate using your eyes controlling a computer
  • how an intelligent shoe can help a stroke survivor to walk
  • how a robotic seal is being used to help support people with dementia
Members of the Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Group, the Centre for Assistive Technology and Connected Healthcare and Sheffield Hallam University will be demonstrating these technologies to invited groups of students from Sheffield schools and colleges, and to groups of older adults, to show some of the latest work taking place in this important area of research.
Surinder Bangar and Nasrin Nasr are co-ordinating the event. Surinder Bangar said, “The use of technology to enhance our lives is something we’re all familiar with, to the point where we often take it for granted. When everyday life becomes more of a challenge, through long-term illness or injury, new and surprising uses of technology are needed. This is the background to our research into assistive technology, and these demonstrations show some of the ways progress is being made. We hope the event will be an opportunity to share ideas about how health technologies will help shape all our futures, young and old, and help us live better, longer lives.
For further information about the “Future Fit: Health technologies for better lives’ event, contact:

Surinder Bangar: mobile: 07525 618606 or
Nasrin Nasr: tel: 0114 222 2972

This event is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council as part of the Festival of Social Science. The Festival celebrates leading research across the UK and how it influences our lives both now and in the future.
To find out about the programme of Festival events taking place from 2 - 9 November 2014, please go to:


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